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Controller's Office
Great Basin College
Phone: 775-327-2090


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Tuition and Fees page title graphic.

澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Fees and Tuition

Cost of Attendance

这只是一个估计,仅指即将到来的学年(秋季23/春季24)的比率. 这个图表是为了帮助学生计算每学分的成本. Prices do not include application fees, lab fees, differential fees, books, or other program/degree specific costs. Please refer to additional charts for breakdown by fee type.

Cost of Attendance
Type of Student & Related Fees Number of Credits Total Cost Lower Division (0 - 299) (example: ENG 101, EMS 220) 总成本上级部门(300以上)(例如:GIS 301, PSY 441)
In-state student:
Registration Fee, Technology Fee
1.0 $131.25 $210.50
3.0 $393.75 $631.50
6.0 $787.50 $1,263.00
12.0 $1,575.00 $2,526.00
Non-Resident Online Only Student:
1.0 $193.25 $312.00
3.0 $579.75 $936.00
6.0 $1,159.50 $1,872.00
12.0 $2,319.00 $3,744.00
Non-Resident Student:
Registration Fee, Technology Fee, Non-Resident Tuition
1.0 $267.50 $433.75
3.0 $802.50 $1,301.25
6.0 $1,605.00 $2,602.50
12.0 $5,908.00 $6,859.00
Non-Resident WUE Student:
Registration Fee, Technology Fee, WUE Non-Resident Tuition
1.0 $193.25 $312.00
3.0 $579.75 $936.00
6.0 $1,159.50 $1,872.00
12.0 $2,319.00 $3,744.00


Breakdown of Cost by Fee Type

Registration Fees

Registration Fees
每学分较低的部门类编号0-299例:英语101,EMS 220
每学分高年级班编号300-上例:GIS 301, PSY 441
Fall 2023/Spring 2024
$115.50 per credit
$189.75 per credit
Summer 2024
$126.75 per credit
$206.00 per credit
Fall 2024/Spring 2025
$123.75 per credit
$203.00 per credit
Summer 2025
$130.00 per credit
$211.50 per credit
Fall 2025/Spring 2026
$127.00 per credit
$208.50 per credit
Summer 2026
$136.50 per credit
$221.25 per credit
Fall 2026/Spring 2027
$133.50 per credit
$219.25 per credit

Additional $7.50 per credit technology fee, plus any applicable lab fees.

High School Registration Fees

参加澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载课程的内华达州高中学生只需支付正常注册费和技术费的50%. 实验费根据所选课程的不同而有所不同,除了前面提到的注册费和技术费之外,还收取实验费. This special rate is not available for upper-division (i.e., 300- and 400- level) courses or during the summer term. For additional details regarding fees, contact the Controller's Office at 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载; for information regarding attending 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载, 联系招生和记录办公室或你的高中辅导员.

High School Registration Fees
每学分较低的部门类编号0-299例:英语101,EMS 220
每学分高年级班编号300-上例:GIS 301, PSY 441
Fall 2023/Spring 2024
see section below
$189.75 per credit
Summer 2024
$126.75 per credit
$206.00 per credit
Fall 2024/Spring 2025
see section below
$203.00 per credit
Summer 2025
$130.00 per credit
$211.50 per credit
Fall 2025/Spring 2026
see section below
$208.50 per credit
Summer 2026
$136.50 per credit
$211.25 per credit
Fall 2026/Spring 2027
see section below
$219.25 per credit

Additional $3.75 per credit tech fee for spring and fall courses, $7.每学分50元的高级课程和暑期课程技术费,加上任何适用的实验室费用.

高中双重招生费用仅适用于24年秋季/ 25年春季和25年秋季/ 26年春季

For the purpose of this section, 术语:“同步招生”是指由NSHE机构和高中双方同意的高中教师在高中教授的高等教育课程. “双招生”是指通过正式建立的双招生计划,由NSHE教师在高中校园或NSHE校园教授的高等教育课程.

High School Dual Enrollment Fees
Concurrent enrollment courses
$75 per course
no additional student or course fees
Dual enrollment courses
$85 per credit
add tech fee and special course fees (lab fees)
$58 per credit
add tech fee and special course fees (lab fees)

仅在23年秋季/ 24年春季和24年秋季/ 25年春季,符合这些标准之一的所有学生可免除10美元的申请费.


Charged in addition to registration fees listed above.

每学分较低的部门类编号0-299例:英语101,EMS 220
每学分高年级班编号300-上例:GIS 301, PSY 441
Fall 2023/Spring 2024
add $57.75 per credit
add $94.75 per credit
Summer 2024
not applicable
not applicable
Fall 2024/Spring 2025
add $62.00 per credit
add $101.50 per credit
Summer 2025
not applicable
not applicable
Fall 2025/Spring 2026
add $63.50 per credit
add $104.25 per credit
Summer 2026
not applicable
not applicable
Fall 2026/Spring 2027
add $66.75 per credit
add $109.75 per credit

Fees for Non-Residents Enrolled in Other Courses (Not Internet)

Charged in addition to registration fees listed above.

Fees for Non-Residents Enrolled in Other Courses (Not Internet)
每学分较低的部门类编号0-299例:英语101,EMS 220
每学分高年级班编号300-上例:GIS 301, PSY 441
Tuition for non-residents enrolled in 0-6.5 credits
Fall 2023/Spring 2024
add $127.25 per credit
add $208.50 per credit
Summer 2024
not applicable
not applicable
Fall 2024/Spring 2025
add $136.25 per credit
add $223.25 per credit
Summer 2025
not applicable
not applicable
Fall 2025/Spring 2026
add $139.75 per credit
add $229.25 per credit
Summer 2026
not applicable
not applicable
Fall 2026/Spring 2027
add $146.75 per credit
add $241.25 per credit
Tuition for non-residents enrolled in 7 or more credits
Fall 2023/Spring 2024
add $4049.50
add $4049.50
Summer 2024
not applicable
not applicable
Fall 2024/Spring 2025
add $4333.00
add $4333.00
Summer 2025
not applicable
not applicable
Fall 2025/Spring 2026
add $4450.00
add $4450.00
Summer 2026
not applicable
not applicable
Fall 2026/Spring 2027
add $4681.50
add $4681.50

Fees for Non-Resident WUE Students

Charged in addition to fees for residents listed above.

西部本科交换(WUE)的学生只有在澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载学习课程之前才有资格获得减息资格, 因此,在向澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载申请时请求此状态非常重要.

Fees for Non-Resident WUE Students
每学分较低的部门类编号0-299例:英语101,EMS 220
每学分高年级班编号300-上例:GIS 301, PSY 441
Fall 2023/Spring 2024
add $57.75 per credit
add $94.88 per credit
Summer 2024
not applicable
not applicable
Fall 2024/Spring 2025
add $62.00 per credit
add $101.50 per credit
Summer 2025
not applicable
not applicable
Fall 2025/Spring 2026
add $63.50 per credit
add $104.25 per credit
Summer 2026
not applicable
not applicable
Fall 2026/Spring 2027
add $66.75 per credit
add $109.75 per credit

Excess Credit Fees

Charged in addition to registration fees listed above.

每学分注册费的50%额外学分费将被收取给已尝试学分等于学生学习计划所需学分150%的学生. (NSHE Code, Title 4, Chapter 17, Section 4.)

Excess Credit Fees
每学分较低的部门类编号0-299例:英语101,EMS 220
每学分高年级班编号300-上例:GIS 301, PSY 441
Fall 2021 forward

Program Specific Differential Fees

Charged in addition to registration fees listed above.

AAS - Nursing Program Specific Differential Fees
AAS - Nursing
Fall 2022/Spring 2023
add $120.00 per credit
Summer 2023
not applicable
Fall 2023/Spring 2024
add $120.00 per credit
Summer 2024
not applicable
Fall 2024/Spring 2025
add $120.00 per credit
Summer 2025
not applicable
Fall 2025/Spring 2026
add $120.00 per credit
AAS - Radiology Technology Program Specific Differential Fees
AAS - Radiology Technology
Fall 2022/Spring 2023
add $70.00 per credit
Summer 2023
add $70.00 per credit
Fall 2023/Spring 2024
add $70.00 per credit
Summer 2024
add $70.00 per credit
Fall 2024/Spring 2025
add $70.00 per credit
Summer 2025
add $70.00 per credit
Fall 2025/Spring 2026
add $70.00 per credit

Application and Late Fees

  • Non-refundable application for admission fee: $10.00
  • 不可退还的申请费,国际学生:25美元.00
  • Late Fee: $25.00 per month
  • Student Success Fee: $15

Community Education and Continuing Education Courses

Varying fees are cited in the Community Education Schedule for not-for-credit classes. Residency requirements do not apply to these classes.

Payment of Fees

Click for fee payment options and deadlines.


Notwithstanding currently posted tuition and fees, all fees, 学生每学期需要支付的学费或其他费用可能会在开课前的任何时间由校董会采取行动增加(主要是由于预算不足)。. 您在注册时收取的金额不是最终账单,可能会增加. 您将收到董事会可能征收的任何额外金额的补充发票. 在开课前30天内更改的学费将不会受到滞纳金的处罚.

For More Information Contact

Controller's Office
Great Basin College
Phone: 775-327-2090

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Why Great Basin College

Great Basin College, "The Gold Standard in the Silver State", offers associate and baccalaureate level education in academic, career and technical fields. Welcoming over 4,000 students annually from all corners of the country, both online and at our various campuses and centers, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载的业务横跨两个时区,覆盖超过86个国家,000 square miles throughout Nevada. A leader in rural higher education, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载为培养能够满足行业需求并为当地经济的成功和繁荣做出贡献的学生而感到自豪.

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